Amid rising ocean temperatures and mounting environmental threats, a surprising ally has emerged for the beleaguered corals ...
For their study, Renzi and colleagues collected samples of Acropora aspera, a type of branching coral, from a designated research area in Australia's Great Barrier Reef during a heat wave.
Many colonies of table-shaped corals or branch-shaped Acropora corals were found to have perished. The bleaching was likely caused by high ocean temperatures. The average temperature was 30.2 ...
Coming a close second is the seaweed collection comprising red seaweed of the Cryptonemia crenulata species, and the branched Coelarthrum opuntia, among the endangered corals of the Acropora genus.
Munk, W. H., and MacDonald, G. L. F., The Rotation of the Earth, 250 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1960).
The Chemical & Physical Ecology Program addresses both research and applied science questions on the impacts and interactions of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica) and physical parameters ...