A student is considered in academic good standing if his or her cumulative grade point average is 2.00 or higher. Academic probation indicates that the student’s academic performance puts him or her ...
Academic Advising The area of Workday that facilitates communication of academic progress across the institution, students and advisors. Academic Affiliate Individuals who work at an educational ...
Attribute: An attribute identifies specific characteristics of courses and students that can be used in degree evaluation. In Progress: Courses a student has registered for but not yet completed are ...
Most courses are not repeatable, but some courses are repeatable Alternatives Cart - Used by undergraduate degree-seeking students to save alternative course options during the cart-building phase of ...
This glossary is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every word and term used in our conversations about diversity and social justice. Because of the way language works especially around these ...
Sometimes called a “catalogue.” Current and archived Calendars are at sfu.ca/students/calendar. Academic group On your advising transcript, this means the faculty you are currently admitted to.
Incomplete courses will be treated as in progress until completed or repeated; if the course is not completed within one year of the end of the term of the previous enrollment, the student will ...
Education records are defined as records that are directly related to a student and maintained by the institution or a party acting on behalf of the institution. University officials must demonstrate ...
Students in the group may work on separate tasks contributing ... If you have come across any particular digital learning terms or abbreviations that are not described in this glossary and feel like ...
Graduate programs are not eligible for academic honors. To be recognized with Ceremonial or Latin Honors, the student must meet the criteria specified in the academic catalog. Ceremonial Honors serve ...
Sometimes called a “catalogue.” Current and archived Calendars are at sfu.ca/students/calendar. Academic group On your advising transcript, this means the faculty you are currently admitted to.