A new analysis of earthquake rupture directivity provides essential insights for seismic hazard and risk assessments in urban ...
Although the SMRs were stabilized with the empirical bayes procedure, hazard deaths are so rare that the small number problem cannot be totally removed. These regional patterns are due to the ...
A new analysis of earthquake rupture directivity provides essential insights for seismic hazard and risk assessments in urban ...
This free innovative opioid hazard awareness training module is designed for sand ... who have died from prescription opioids (Centers for Disease Control: Occupational Patterns in Unintentional and ...
The snowy pattern continues towards the weekend from the lake effect and a passing system Saturday. Tonight: Mostly cloudy with light to moderate snow overnight; fewer snow showers far south ...
To determine the hazard level for an area, factors such as fire history, existing and potential vegetation, predicted flame length, ember-dispersion distances, terrain and weather patterns are ...