Callum Ulysses Parslow, 32, must serve a minimum of 22 years and eight months for stabbing Nahom Hagos in what he claimed was a "protest" against small boat crossings. At Woolwich Crown Court on ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow, who has Adolf Hitler’s signature tattooed on his left forearm, tried to send a post to X, formerly ...
ATTEMPTED murderer Callum Parslow already knew he would be sent to prison for previous offences he had committed in 2023 before carrying out his attack on an asylum seeker. Parslow was sentenced ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow, 32, attacked the man in April last year at the Pear Tree Inn near Worcester in what he claimed was a “protest” against small boat crossings. Parslow, who has Hitler’s ...
Callum Parslow was handed a life sentence and will serve a minimum of 22 years and eight months in prison after he knifed the man at a Worcestershire hotel on 2 April last year, as a "protest ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow described the attack as a "form of protest" against small boat crossings. The knifeman, who also penned his own "terrorist manifesto", attacked Nahom Hagos at the Pear Tree ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow said he wanted to "exterminate". In the seconds following the attack, he crafted a social media post which said: "Just did my duty to England". But the message failed to ...
Callum Parslow, aged 32, of Bromyard Terrace, St John's, will serve a minimum of 22 years and eight months behind bars after stabbing Nahom Hagos in the chest at the Pear Tree Inn in Hindlip ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow, who wrote his own “terrorist manifesto”, stabbed Nahom Hagos in the chest and hand at the Pear Tree Inn at Hindlip, Worcestershire, in April last year after buying a ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow, 32, attacked the man in April last year at the Pear Tree Inn near Worcester in what he claimed was a “protest” against small boat crossings. Parslow, who has Hitler’s ...