The next time you're looking for a fun twist on a classic french fry, give yuca frita a try ... as aji amarillo (a spicy Peruvian sauce) or a Cuban mojo sauce. Yuca, not to be confused with ...
Vaca Frita, which means "fried cow" in Spanish ... including potatoes, corn, and yuca. This Cuban dish combines diverse ...
everything from the mounted photos of Cuba and Colombia to the music in the background reveals just where that sense of home comes from. And from the first bite of, say, yuca frita to the last of ...
Foto: EDH / Jessica Orellana Decenas de personas llegaron al lugar para disfrutar del sabroso plato mixto de yuca frita y salcochada, que se pueden acompañar con pepescas, merienda, chicharrón ...