The base on Yavin IV is the secret that Princess Leia ... Naboo is an essential Star Wars planet for its history and people. Regarding history, Naboo is notable as the world where Obi-Wan Kenobi ...
Yavin 4 is the famous base for ... shown from the rebel base. Having it in Star Wars Jedi would allow fans to explore and expand upon the planet, maybe uncovering Jedi secrets that have never ...
Up until now, old school characters from the original Star Wars trilogy had been banned from Black Spire Outpost by Walt ...
An opening title card in Andor notes we're in "BBY 5," meaning five years "before the Battle of Yavin ... to Star Wars canon: Preox-Morlana, a corporate authority in charge of planets in the ...
That means Darth Vader, Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi may soon be joining Luke Skywalker in the Black Spire Outpost village on the Star Wars planet of ... as the Battle of Yavin.