First, what exactly is worm farming? A worm farm is exactly what the name implies, a farm for worms. It’s an enclosed compost area where worms live and feed off food waste. The major benefit is ...
Worms also aerate the soil, break down organic matter for healthier soil, and create tunnels for air, water, and better overall plant growth. You can build a DIY worm farm that will produce worm ...
I narrate an enquiry from Moses Were a poultry farmer. He narrated on phone that he has been seeing his mother’s rural ...
Gardening guru Claire Mummery answers all the why's and how's of worm farming. What's missing from your kitchen? Worms! Home composting not only reduces the food waste dumped in landfill ...
It really has fostered a sense of environmental responsibility in our community,” said one village council member.
There are about 34,000 different types of worm; many are so small you wouldn't be able to see them without a microscope! Worms are hermaphrodite, which means they have both male and female ...