When it comes to classic and effective core-strengthening moves, you can't leave out planks, crunches and dead bugs. However, you should also perform the wood chop exercise, as it can build core ...
But to really carve your core—and hit your obliques—you need to work it from all angles and prioritize weighted ab exercises. Take wood chops, for example. The dynamic compound exercise ...
This week: half kneeling wood chop. Your core is made up of the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen that all work in harmony. However, sitting down for hours a day can lead to ...
Keep breathing while you hold the weight. 3. Cable Wood Chops Cable wood chops challenge your entire core and train the obliques, rectus abdominis (the top layer of your ab muscles, also known as ...
Placing weights on your core exercises develops resistance, so the muscles will have to work harder and get stronger. Weighted crunches, Russian twists, and cable wood chops are great exercises ...