That distinction went to War Admiral, the son born to the regal mare Brushup and sired by the horse many consider the greatest Thoroughbred of all time, Man o'War. Next, War Admiral took the ...
In the late 1930s, the spirited debate over whether Seabiscuit or War Admiral was the greater horse was also a battle between the era’s dominant Eastern racing establishment and the upstart ...
Many still consider his 1938 match race with War Admiral one of the sport's classic events. A rags-to-riches story, Seabiscuit didn't begin thriving until he had run dozens of races. After beating ...
Freedom Plaza is proud to celebrate that one of its residents, retired Rear Admiral Larry Chambers, is featured in the ...
NATO Military Committee Chairman Admiral Rob Bauer has described the participation of North Korean forces on Moscow's side in Russia's war against Ukraine as a strategic mistake. He specifically ...
Mike Studeman sees China as being on a direct path to war with Taiwan ... rising to the rank of rear admiral and serving as chief of naval intelligence. His leadership spanned all levels of ...
Grand Admiral Thrawn will return to wage war on the New Republic in upcoming Star Wars projects, and one 15-year-old detail sets up a confrontation with Ahsoka Tano. Before it became Ahsoka's ...
Speaking at the India Today Conclave, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi stressed the need for resilience, ...