A dramatic dog named Arlo quickly changed his behavior after realizing he got extra attention when limping—and his owner ...
The Dremel PawControl dog nail grinder is a safe alternative to clippers. We recommend it for people who have difficulty ...
The friendly dog with a shiny coat now sitting at Woody’s feet, begging for treats, is unrecognizable as the emaciated dog he ...
As dogs grow older, they often experience changes in their physical and emotional needs. They may face health challenges, ...
It seems difficult to believe that spring is almost here. Christmas doesn’t seem all that long ago, but the days are ...
Public opinion about vaccines affects furry friends too. We asked veterinarians and other experts to explain the most common misconceptions about animal vaccines.
A: Unfortunately, rivalry amongst dogs in the home is one of the worst things to deal with. There are many suggestions for ...
Some dogs steal hearts, but others make vets sigh the second they walk through the door. The problem is not personal, though.