you may want to have the tires rotated before it’s called for if you notice uneven tread wear that results in vibration or noise. Related: How to Check Tire Tread Tire rotation is necessary ...
If the inner band is hidden in the tread, your tire is over 3 mm. If the inner band is shown, you should consider new tires. For an Australian 20-cent: Put the coin right side up. The tread should ...
There's a not-so-old song with a lyric that goes something like, "The tires are the things on the car that make contact with the road ..." While it makes for a catchy little chorus, it's not an ...
Check your car’s owner’s manual for the recommended pressure, or inside the driver’s side doorjamb where this vital information is displayed on a sticker. Tires heat up from friction with ...
Would you like a new RapidAir TLR road tire that is 33 seconds faster (over 40km) than the previous model? Or a faster ...