Ticks are tiny arachnids from the subclass Acari. They range from a fraction of a millimeter to even 1 inch. They feed on the ...
This is then fatal for ticks that attempt to feed on the treated mice. The study, recently published in the Journal of Medical Entomology, found that the tubes were effective at reducing the ...
Sitting atop a blade of grass, biding time till its next blood meal, is a hard tick. It attaches to an exposed leg of an unsuspecting victim, digs into the skin, and starts feeding. The tick’s sticky, ...
The two species of African rhinoceros are conservation icons. Large, charismatic, and vitally important for their ecosystems, ...
NIH researcher Andaleeb Sajid discusses her study’s finding that ticks were unable to feed on vaccinated guinea pigs, preventing transmission of the pathogen that causes Lyme disease. Some animals ...
A tick can only transmit disease to you if it has been attached long enough to have finished its feeding, which is typically about 24 hours or longer, Romero says. So, the sooner you remove a tick ...
Eric Siegel, a Ph.D. student in microbiologist Stephen Rich’s Laboratory of Medical Zoology and at the UMass Amherst-based New England Center of Excellence in Vector-borne Diseases (NEWVEC), has been ...