People start their journeys at a different points, research shows. Recognizing how individual, interpersonal and ...
The Social Ecological Model attends to the aforementioned levels creating environments where the change and synergy needed to support sustainable improvement in health can occur. Change strategies are ...
noise - yarn, knitting and weaving manufacturing can be loud waste disposal - this must be dealt with responsibly, especially any hazardous chemicals like some used in cotton production child ...
Social media can help scientists track animal species as they relocate in response to climate change, new research shows.
11, No. 1, 2017 Characterization of an artisanal fishery... Characterization of an artisanal fishery in Argentina using the social-ecological systems framework This is the metadata section. Skip to ...
A combination of reading, lecture, and discussion will be used to study the unique ecology, biology, and history of the Great Lakes. Examines social approaches to understanding why environmental ...
In this paper, collaborations among government agencies in project application process were analyzed, and a multilevel social-ecological network analysis (SENA) approach was developed to identify ...
Want to make a difference for our planet and its people? JST-SCU's new Certificate in Ecological and Social Justice empowers you to become a leader in caring for our common home and walking with the ...
Selling two environmental services: in-kind payments for bird habitat and watershed protection in Los Negros, Bolivia. Ecological Economics 65(4): 675–684. Barrett, C.B and P. Arcese. 1995. Are ...
If more trees are planted than are cut, it is possible to minimise the environmental impact. Hardwood trees take a long time to grow in comparison to softwood trees so are more commonly planted in ...