Only Ursa Major, with six Orion and Scorpius ... And now, a few words about Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris. The name Sirius means “the scorching one” or “the sparkling one,” but it’s ...
Sirius, the Dog Star, is difficult to ignore. Ostentatiously scintillating on the southern horizon right now, the “Searing ...
And this is the best time to see Sirius, the brightest star, following at Orion’s heels in the constellation Canis Major. February’s full moon shines the night of the 25th-26th. Algonquin ...
With a new moon on the 15th, February’s darkest skies come in mid-month. Use the moonless evenings to enjoy the bright winter constellations, which dominate the southern sky after nightfall.