As research continues, this revelation could reshape our understanding of how these mysterious predators interact in their ...
Scientists believed sharks were silent killers but stunning new audio has captured the predators making sounds for the first ...
Researchers from the University of Aukland got a chance sighting of an octopus hitching a ride on the back of a shark, which ...
Many people, even those living far from the ocean, are afraid of sharks. Popular culture commonly portrays sharks as ...
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.
A study shows how the loss of Great white sharks from False Bay is disrupting the marine food web and threatening ocean ...
Researchers have recorded rig sharks producing clicking sounds by snapping their teeth together, likely as a stress or ...
For the first time, sharks have been recorded making sounds, breaking with the fish's long held reputation as a silent hunter ...
The significant ecological imbalance in South Africa's False Bay is primarily due to the rapid collapse and absence of Great white sharks since 2015.
Two killer whales have killed dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks, including the vaunted great whites, with an ease that has ...
Researchers in New Zealand saw a colorful blob on top of a shark’s head. When they looked closer, they realized it had eight ...
Known for their powerful ability to launch out of the water in pursuit of prey, the loss of great white sharks from False Bay ...