When the Roman Empire began collapsing, Christianity prevailed and the Roman Catholic Church kept its territories together.
Because the Roman Empire itself reportedly produced corny souvenirs. It's like the meme where two Spider-Men are pointing ...
Last year, a social-media trend featured women asking men how often they thought about the Roman Empire. The answer, it ...
That was the renowned Roman empire, which lasted for about 500 years. So, what caused this mighty empire to crumble into ruins? The Roman empire began in 27 B.C.E. when Augustus Caesar declared ...
A man, approximately 60 years old, was buried 1,700 years ago alongside valuable items such as pottery, glassware, and a ...
The Roman empire was at its height when a deadly disease caused devastation to its population, economy and military prowess.
Archaeologists have unearthed the grave of a “barbarian” who died on the frontier of the Roman Empire in the fourth century AD. The man, about 60 years old, was buried 1,700 years ago along with ...
Edward Watts, a professor of history at the University of California, San Diego, delivered a lecture this past Wednesday ...
New research suggests that the Romans defeated the Jewish rebels at Masada much more quickly than scholars previously assumed ...
Lost Legions follows desperate Roman soldiers scattered after the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, blending the historical with ...
Good news Angelenos. A visit to the new wine bar ALL ROADS Pinseria + Enoteca in Brentwood where the ancient art of making ...
Archaeologists in Bulgaria have discovered a medieval house that contained even older gold coins, which date to the reign of ...