Always outclassed by fierce opponents such as Cutlass Liz, Peg Leg Hastings, and Black Bellamy, the hopeless, Pirate Captain, decides it's high time he won the prestigious 1837 "Pirate of the Year ...
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., Jan. 4. -- The hull of the boat Eclipse, of which "Pirate King" Strang of Beaver Island was Captain half a century ago, has been found, and Judge Joseph H. Steere ...
Pirate Captain sets out on a mission to defeat his rivals for the Pirate of the Year Award. The quest takes the Captain and his crew from the shores of exotic Blood Island to the foggy streets of ...
is ready to cut his ties with the band of soft-hearted pirates he has apprenticed since childhood, in order to pursue the life of a proper gentleman. He soon finds a beautiful woman to marry ...