Reduce, reuse and then recycle. Whether you use them to store leftovers, freeze portions of broth or simplify meal prep, plastic bags are one of the kitchen’s most versatile products.
Ziploc bags are some of the best quick-and-easy storage solutions we have. Many people reuse Ziploc bags, but just because ...
Don’t throw them out once the cereal is gone. Repurpose them as they are much better performing than traditional, thin, ...
Yes, it’s OK to bring your own bag to the grocery store and reuse it again and again. All three of Hutchinson’s grocery stores now sell fabric reusable grocery bags for about $1. There’s no ...
Another cleaning tip is to use green tea bags to remove grease from your dirty dishes. Just add tea bags to your dishwater and soak the dishes. After a few minutes, the grease will come off easily, ...
Connecticut has eliminated billions of plastic bags from the economy and ecosystem with a ban on single-use bags. But what do ...
The plastic bags most New Mexicans carry groceries or takeout food with might be different soon, statewide. That is, if a ...
I have discovered a splendid use for plastic bags that contain dry cereal in cardboard boxes. In recent years, these bags have evolved to be heavier, leakproof and ...
Ziploc advises that its disposable plastic storage bags are safe to clean and reuse several times as long as they are properly cleaned and dried between. How many times resealable plastic bags can be ...