The other agricultural commodities suspended by Sebi are paddy (non-basmati), chana, crude palm oil, mustard seeds and it's ...
PALOILMAGAZINE, KATINGAN – The Central Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Agency (Disbun Kalteng), through the Plantation ...
But it’s not as easy as subbing one commodity in for another. While black soldier fly larvae could produce a sustainable ...
Cargill Inc. said the US food industry can’t fully replace seed oils as there aren’t enough alternatives in the market.Most ...
BSFL are known for their ability to digest organic waste, converting it into valuable resources such as proteins and lipids.
The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government, through the Plantation Protection and Seed Supervision Agency (BP3B) under ...
As the world marks World Water Day, the conversation around water conservation and sustainable agricultural practices takes ...
Extra-virgin olive oil has the most scientific evidence for its health benefits. But avocado and high-oleic vegetable oils are also good for your health.
Ghanaian pathologist, Professor Agyeman Badu Akosa, has cautioned against the consumption of seed oils, describing them as unfit for the human body.
PETALING JAYA: The demand for vegetable oils will continue to increase in line with the world population, which is expected to rise to nine billion by 2030 from the current 7.5 billion. However ...