The story of Natalia Grace, the Ukrainian orphan with a rare dwarfism condition who was accused by her former adoptive family of pretending to be a child, continues to fascinate. A new documentary ...
Michael and Kristine Barnett adopted Natalia Grace and later successfully petitioned a court to legally re-age her, claiming ...
The Final Chapter shows the moment the Ukrainian orphan makes her big escape from her adoptive parents -- who she accused of holding her "hostage." ...
Natalia Grace, the Ukrainian orphan with dwarfism whose former adoptive parents accused her of posing as a child and trying to kill them, is back in the spotlight. A new documentary reveals ...
“Was Natalia a child or an adult? Was she a sociopathic villain, or was she a misunderstood, abused victim?” Natalia Grace in New York on October 3, 2024. “Throughout this whole saga, we tried to ...
Natalia Grace's online relationship with Neil got serious when he helped her escape the Manses, a family who had adopted and ...
Natalia Grace is now living with the DePaul family in upstate New York. Nicole DePaul helped her leave the Mans family.
Natalia Grace has been adopted by several families since she left Ukraine for the U.S. as a child in 2008. The orphan was born in 2003 and was adopted by Dyan and Gary Ciccone in 2008, immigrating ...
After escaping what seemed to be a nightmare living with former adoptive parents Michael Barnett and Kristine Barnett, Natalia Grace moved on to a new life with Antwon Mans and Cynthia Mans, a couple ...
Kristine and Michael Barnett were accused of abandoning Natalia Grace, who they claimed was an adult with dwarfism who was posing as a child when they adopted her. They said she tried to kill them.
Natalia Grace Adoption Case ... They were originally going to adopt a Haitian child, Michael said, but the 2010 earthquake that devastated the island nation shut down the process.
Now, she lives with the DePaul family, who had originally wanted to adopt her when she was a child. Her story continues in the new season of her docuseries, The Curious Case of Natalia Grace ...