The New York Committee raises awareness of local and global human rights issues, generates support, and mobilizes the public and governments worldwide to recognize basic freedoms for all.
Following a letter from the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights to the President of the Economic and Social Council, dated 27 March 1947, (E/383), this Drafting Committee was enlarged.
Gov. Kathy Hochul is calling for a one-year extension on her New York reparations commission, adding $5 million to the controversial panel studying possible payouts to black New Yorkers.
a New York City commission empowered to release people early from jail sentences has been resurrected, the Daily News has learned. The renewed Local Conditional Release Commission has been meeting ...
The covered entity can only revoke the tendered lease commitment based on reviewable criminal history, after engaging in what is known as the “Fair Chance Housing Process” (NYC Admin Code §8 ...