Syntax follows strict rules, whereas morphology is often inconsistent with many exceptions to the rules. [1] Fasold, R. and Connor-Linton, J., (2006). An Introduction to Language and Linguistics. New ...
All MA students must complete 30 credits, including the following five required courses: LING 5030: Linguistic Phonetics, LING 5410: Phonology, LING 5420: Morphology and Syntax, LING 5430: Semantics ...
2005: President of The Linguistic Society of America. Research explores almost all aspects of Morphology and its relations to phonology, syntax, semantics and psycholinguistics. Key textbooks include: ...
My teaching areas include general linguistics, sociolinguistics, syntax, language and gender and language and ... For my dissertation, I focused on the morphology (i.e., word structure) of three ...
The faculty encourage graduate students to conduct original, innovative research by: Taking required courses on the core areas of linguistics, such as syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics and ...
Linguistic Phonetics, LING 5410: Phonology, LING 5420: Morphology and Syntax, LING 5430: Semantics and Pragmatics, and LING 5570: Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics. Required courses count for 15 ...
Language documentation, syntax, morphology, language change, native languages of the American south (especially Creek and Miccosukee) Haas, Mary, and James Hill. 2015. Creek (Muskogee) Texts. Ed. by ...