A man who murdered his partner by stabbing her more than a dozen times has been given a life sentence. Anthony Hoey killed Frances Dwyer, 48, at a house on Mulwych Road in Tile Cross, Birmingham, in ...
As reported by Automaton, Monster Hunter Wilds’ release has caused fans to rush out to Nepalese restaurants to buy cheese naan. But why cheese naan in particular? It’s because ...
To capture a monster, you’ll have to prepare with certain traps and bombs. You can also capture small monsters, known as endemic life — the little bugs and lizards you see running around ...
Our Monster Hunter Wilds Ember Rufflizard guide explains where to find this important part of Dareel's research quest.
"It's almost a year since that monster took her life and it still hurts us every single day. "We finally have some closure today, as we see that man be sentenced." In a personal message to Ms ...