It can be alarming to see a new spot appear on your skin, especially if it's rapidly growing. Here's what experts need you to ...
Moles are small skin growths that can develop on any part of the body. While they are usually harmless, some people opt to have them removed for aesthetic purposes or […] ...
This layer contains cells, called melanocytes, that create the pigment that gives your skin its color. Melanoma occurs when these cells grow out of control. An estimated 100,640 melanomas will be ...
A mole should remain a consistent size. If your mole continues to grow over more than a month, speak to your doctor. “Moles can develop on any area of your skin, so you should check yourself ...
Spring is a busy season for yard work—and it's also go-time for ground moles, who often take advantage of the soft, moist soil to start forming their underground tunnels. That means a ground mole ...
Celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m., Mole Day commemorates "Avogadro's Number": 6.02 x 10 23. This number--called a mole--is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day ...