This story appears in the April 2013 issue of National Geographic magazine. Tusk and Sunset A mammoth’s tusk spikes the Siberian sky on Bolshoy Lyakhovskiy Island. Tusks that are discovered with ...
A woolly mammoth tusk unearthed in a coal mine where it had been buried for thousands of years has been carefully conserved during an unusual clean-up job. Belonging to the long extinct Ice Age ...
'Something, between say 100,000 and 50,000 years ago, happens in the human brain, that allows this fantastic creativity, imagination, artistic abilities, to emerge.' (Professor Steven Mithen) ...
And it's a sculpture carved from the tusk of a mammoth - it must have been towards the end of the tusk, because it's slim, slightly curved, and it's about eight inches long. The two reindeer swim ...