On Monday, Mahomes shared a mix of black-and-white and colorful photos in a dreamy Instagram post. In the stills, she poses flaunting her bare baby bump, occasionally cradling her growing belly.
(Mahomes is the son of a Black father and a white mother. He told a GQ reporter in 2020 that he identifies as Black.) In short, the rumor about Mahomes buying a hotel was false. It originated as ...
ranging from non-numbered Green and Disco parallels to the 1-of-1 Black Finite and White Sparkle cards. Mahomes is no stranger to having his cards sell in the six- to seven-figure range.
For the reveal, the family wore all white-and-cream outfits while smiling and showing photos of Brittany Mahomes’ black and white sonogram. A week later, Patrick and Brittany Mahomes shared in a ...