It can be tricky to read cats' body language, as they are so different from people – but one vet hoping to bridge the ...
A vet has shared a simple way you can show your cat you love them, but there are some mistakes many of us with feline friends ...
A loving cat in need of medical care was rescued — then came more good news. Pogue, who can’t walk on his hind legs and lost ...
Nevertheless, Cat the Vet, a UK based veterinarian who shares tips and tricks helping owners to keep their pets happy and ...
Whiskas is on a mission to convert ‘cat haters’ into ‘cat lovers’, via a program and partnership with Essencemediacom, Chep ...
"Cirrus would call out to him, and Ivory would run back into the room and stay with him to make him feel better," a shelter worker told Newsweek.
Communication is essential be it for humans, animals or cats, for that matter. Every now and then, you must let your cat know ...