Le natto, qui fait partie intégrante de la cuisine japonaise, n'était auparavant connu que des gourmets confirmés à l'étranger. Mais les fabricants nippons de produits alimentaires ...
Often, at its heart is natto, fermented soybeans enveloped in a stringy coating that can be enjoyed in many ways, including on its own, over rice, or stirred into miso soup. Celebrated as a ...
HIGASHI-OSAKA, Osaka Prefecture--Long ago, many residents of this Osaka area loathed natto, or fermented soybeans, which they derided as “rotten food.” With such an aversion now a thing of the ...
Il est ainsi idéal pour renforcer l'immunité et la digestion. Le natto un aliment fermenté japonais traditionnel à base de graines de soja fermentées. Il a une texture surprenante mais un ...
A start-up firm affiliated with Keio University developed a new food source made of a powdered form of a bacterium used for natto fermented soybeans. The bacterium can be mixed into bread and ...