Sip by sip, stitch by stitch, Philadelphia's Drunken Knitwits socialize, knit and enjoy food and drinks together.
The cherubs and storks that make up the Singing Fountain have a new wardrobe thanks to a local knitting club.
The world is your oyster (or should we say, your perfectly seamed sweater?). The post Mastering the Art of Seaming in ...
Was a new hobby on your New Year’s Resolution list? Knit ATX has got you covered with how to pick up knitting or crocheting!
Common misconceptions of knitting and other fiber arts often include a vision of a grandmother sitting in a chair working on a scarf, or sweater, or socks, but Barrett believes that image is changing.
Students at Boardman Center Intermediate School have revived the art of crocheting and knitting, creating a new club that ...