Graduate and Professional Students will check-in at Hearth: Memorial to the Enslaved. Kente stoles are free. You will receive one before the Donning of the Kente ceremony. You do not need to purchase ...
The Kente stole is a rich, multicolored, hand-woven style of cloth that originated in Ghana, West Africa, and is revered throughout the Africana World. It is traditionally worn during important ...
A Nyansapo Kente Stole Ceremony, hosted by the Black Faculty and Staff Association, will be held ahead of commencement at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, in Pearce Auditorium. Students will be ...
Members of Congress protesting Trump, a budding authoritarian who is wrecking American institutions, via their wardrobe choices echoes Democrats’ past history with pink pussy ...
The Kente stole is a rich, multicolored, hand-woven style of cloth that originated in Ghana, West Africa, and is revered throughout the Africana World. It is traditionally worn during important ...