The series was directed by Kabir Bhatia and starred Tiz Zaqyah, Remy Ishak, Fizz Fairuz, Sharifah Sofia and Dato' Jalaluddin Hassan. "Nur Kasih" translated into English means 'Light of Love'.
LONDON: Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) is propelling Malaysia’s rapid expansion in the global renewable energy (RE) market with ...
The MOU was inked by Selangor state secretary Datuk Haris Kasim, TNB president and chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Megat Jalaluddin Megat Hassan, and Worldwide CEO Datin Norazlina Zakaria.
Other guests of honour were TNB chief executive officer and president Datuk Megat Jalaluddin Megat Hassan and Worldwide Holdings Bhd chief executive officer Datin Paduka Norazlina Zakaria.
Minister of Plantation and Commodities Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani and TNB president/chief executive officer Datuk Megat Jalaluddin Megat Hassan. In the ASEAN context, Anwar, who is also the Finance ...