That one different bee is the queen bee. This puzzle is designed to test your IQ, visual perception, and attention to detail. Research suggests that people who excel at visual puzzles tend to have ...
CHALLENGE yourself to find the hidden bee amongst the see of bright flowers. But how long will it take you? Bees are considered the most important group of insects as far as pollination of plants ...
Only those with a high IQ and an eagle-eyed vision can locate the tiny bee without second-guessing themselves. Studies suggest that people who can quickly solve visual puzzles have superior ...
SPRING is almost here and what better way to celebrate than with a floral brainteaser? Test your IQ and your eyesight by ...
The brainteaser was created by Swift Blinds Direct. David Roebuck, Managing Director at Swift Blinds Direct commented on the puzzle, saying: "Brainteasers and optical illusions are always a hit ...