Both a hookah and a bong, the Stündenglass has a 360-degree rotating glass bubble that generates smoke with a flip for a high with a twist.
My guess is you could triple the number of Mickeys and Pattinson would play the hell out of each one. Flaws and all, "Mickey 17" flies high on Bong's no-limits imagination. So what if his Korean ...
Experts say anyone who drinks water used to filter marijuana smoke will ingest ash, tar and bacteria — but won't become high.
[Adopts heavy New York accent] THAT'S RIGHT! NEW YORK IS BACK! BING BONG! Fine. Where does this come from? Well, Knicks fans tend to be ... a little over the top to say the least. And when the ...
Pattinson has traversed deep space before, doing so in Claire Denis’ relatively elegant arthouse feature “High Life.” Here, the star dumbs it down to suit Bong’s big-budget grunge-topian ...
After numerous delays – it was originally set to open in March 2024 – Bong Joon-ho’s follow-up to Parasite debuts as the first proper Trump Era 2.0 movie. It's a jet-black, mean-as-hell sci ...