Unfortunately, house cats don’t often get to fulfill this primal desire. [Ben] thought about this problem and came up with a very interesting solution. One that involves hacking an electronic ...
After adding up the totals for six cats worth of cartridge use, [ScottSEA] started hacking. He has posted directions on how to manually refill them, as well as reset the internal counter using an ...
"There's currently no audio support," GaryOderNichts wrote in the description of a video demonstration of the hack. "To avoid ...
Using toilet paper rolls or other everyday items can keep cats happy, reduce how much you're spending on toys, and limit the amount of waste you're producing on a regular basis. The hack caught ...
Hackers from the infamous Lazarus Group are in a cat-and-mouse game to launder their stolen funds from the ByBit heist.
Letting hte kids play in the garden is great - except when you discover a cat or fox has left a 'present' in the middle of the lawn. Gardeners put their heart and soul into maintaining their ...