This article shares examples of how envelio has helped two energy companies in Europe – Syna GmbH and Helen Electricity ...
The Danville City Council has approved plans for a new battery storage facility aimed at stabilizing utility rates and saving ...
With the Trump administration prioritizing fossil fuels, cities and states will have to lead the way on clean energy.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Energy regulators on Thursday approved the Southwest Power Pool to expand its territory and become the first regional U.S. grid to operate ... RTO will help us achieve this ...
A bill that would allow private industries to create power solutions unanimously passed the Oklahoma House.Rep. Brad Boles, R-Marlow, author of House Bill 1374 ...
So power company officials were alarmed when a big chunk of those centers - 60 of them - suddenly dropped off the grid one day last ... "What it tells us is that the behavior of data centers ...
On the matter of whether Naperville should sign an early contract extension with its current electricity provider, the eight candidates vying for Naperville City Council share a similar sentiment: ...
The US installed 50 gigawatts (GW) of new solar capacity in 2024, the largest single year of new capacity added to the grid by any energy technology in over two decades. That’s enough to power 8 ...