Check-in through out. Giving consent ahead of time does not waive a person's right to change their mind or say no later. You asked multiple times before they said yes. You are too intoxicated to gauge ...
Giving consent doesn’t mean you have to go through with the treatment if you decide it’s not right for you. What happens if I ...
Warning! Sweeping changes in public health are on the rise. The latest word, according to Stat, is that the Department of ...
According to Kansas law, you cannot get a piercing or tattoo under the age of 18 without a parent or guardian’s consent, and ...
In many cases contributors will give their consent by simply agreeing to be recorded for radio or television or to contribute online. For example, this will usually apply to those who are ...
In the statement, Murrill said Wilson's family "did not give consent and know nothing about their son's name and image being used to promote this event." ...
House Bill 1393, which aims to give parents of children with IEPs more of a choice in their child’s education, is headed to ...
After a clinic’s decision to “give it to him anyway,” one state’s Supreme Court cleared the way for a family’s lawsuit over a COVID-19 shot administered without […] ...
Under Illinois law, a person must be at least 17 years of age in order to give consent; it is illegal in Illinois for a person 18 or older to commit sexual acts on a person under the age of 18 if they ...