fighting to maintain French colonial rule in Indochina and Algeria. He was a paratrooper in the 1957 battle of Algiers, later acknowledging violent actions he described as imposed by the hierarchy ...
and established in 1914 as a detachment of the French colonial army in Ivory Coast, this battalion served France “during both world wars, the Indochina War, and the Algerian War. In 1978 ...
A former paratrooper and Foreign Legionnaire who fought to maintain French colonial rule in Indochina and Algeria, Jean-Marie Le Pen was a wily political strategist and gifted orator who used his ...
Valérie André, a French military officer, brain surgeon, and licensed pilot who was believed to be the first woman to fly helicopter rescue missions in combat zones — during the French-Indochina war ...
An original founder of the Indochina Communist Party ... Vo commanded the Vietminh forces that liberated Vietnam from French colonial rule, fought the Americans and the South Vietnamese, and ...