(CNN)-- A floating city off the coast of San Francisco may sound like science fiction, but it could be reality in the not-too-distant future. The Seasteading Institute already has drawn up plans ...
But there are, of course, downsides to building a community at sea. For one, floating-city projects may find it difficult to secure approval from local governments. That public wariness reveals ...
The floating city will break, uh, sea in 2022. Eventually, the complex will include those thousands of homes, plenty of ...
As a coastal city, rising sea levels and climate change threaten its very existence. That's where Oceanix Busan, a floating city prototype, comes into play. The city is designed to float on a ...
The world's first floating city will consist of 5,000 homes, which will be sold for about £200,000. The developer targets both residents and tourists from around the world.
As dawn breaks on calm days, hundreds of fishermen set sail in their unusual rafts, known as “corchos” (or corks), along the ...
Worldwide, rising sea levels and increasing urbanisation ... Think of aircraft carriers. The floating city in development off Busan is coming together through the collaborative efforts of the ...
The latest city to entertain a bid for a new floating power plant (FPP ... on barges close to shore rather than further out to sea to make the logistics easier. The power transmission lines ...
Participants envisioned sustainable, floating cities that address rising sea levels and climate change ... and built cities for DiscoverE's 2024-2025 Future City® Competition.