It's Belgian in origin, and while there are producers in the US, those can't really be called a Lambic beer because of its unique fermentation process. The Belgian brewers allow wild yeast to ...
“Sour beer is the beer enthusiast’s alternative to champagne," said co-author Bjørge Westereng of the Norwegian University of Life Science. "By using sugars derived from peas that yeast cannot ...
Belgian beers are also made a little differently ... The reasoning behind this is that it allows the beer to undergo a second fermentation in the bottle, which would be challenging, to say the ...
Mescan Brewery, a Kilsallagh-based company that sell many different strains of beer, will be running a one-day ‘Learn to Brew ...
Notably, lagers are fermented with bottom-fermenting yeasts ... It’s impossible to dip a toe into the world of Belgian beer without touching on Trappist beers, brewed by Trappist monasteries.
THE fascination with beer and brewing is rooted deep in our culture and Mescan Brewery opens their doors to fledgling brewers ...
The second fermentation, with a different yeast strain, boosts the beer's strength and introduces more beneficial microbes. Another Belgian beer, London Porter Dark Ale contains some gut-boosting ...
However, these microbes often require months or even years to ferment ... available Belgian sour. Using three different LAB, the researchers brewed four experimental sour beers: two with the ...