In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, Ryomen Sukuna is the most powerful being in history. There’s no question about that. Satoru ...
The markings symbolize Sukuna's cursed energy and techniques. As the central character of Jujutsu Kaisen, Ryomen Sukuna’s character is laced with all manner of nuances and hidden meanings.
Jujutsu Kaisen continues its Shinjuku Showdown arc in a somewhat exciting manner, and fans have seen quite a lot of Ryomen Sukuna at the peak of his power over the course of the last few chapters.
JJK ended with the conclusion of the Shinjuku Showdown Arc, where the biggest antagonist of the entire series, Ryomen Sukuna, finally got to showcase what he was truly capable of. Fans knew Sukuna ...
Ryomen Sukuna's past stands as one of the great mysteries of the ultra-popular Jujutsu Kaisen. Reigning during the Heian Era, the Demon King was tipped to be the strongest sorcerer to exist and ...
Jujutsu Kaisen author Gege Akutami mainly used the Reverse Cursed Technique to heal characters through positive energy, but its use can go far beyond that. A good example is Satoru Gojo using it ...