At Sayeda Zeinab, neighbours join forces during Ramadan to serve meals, fostering community and compassion in Cairo.
Ph.D diss. University of Haifa. Haifa (Hebrew; English summary).. Lev Y. 1987. Army, Regime, and Society in Fatimid Egypt, 358-487/968-1094. International Journal of Middle East Studies 19:337-366.
The holy Muslim fasting month has always been an opportunity to share the Iftar meal, with this taking on magnificent ...
According to historical accounts, the tradition of using lanterns as a decoration in Ramadan originated during the Fatimid Caliphate, primarily centred in Egypt, where Caliph Al-Muez Li-Din Allah ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...