Enel completed his goal in One Piece by reaching the moon, making his return uncertain. Fans speculate on Enel's return due to lack of closure, but he needs a new reason to join the story.
Enel's power boost could make him a key player in causing damage to Elbaf in One Piece's Final Saga. Ever since Enel was defeated by Luffy, fans have been anxiously awaiting the return of the One ...
Enel was one of the earliest legitimately strong villains that Luffy defeated in the earlier chapters of One Piece. Although Enel's overall abilities, goals, and personality made him a fan ...
This use of high temperatures is seen when Enel morphed his golden staff into various shapes so that he could stab Luffy in ...
However, in doing so, Loki may end up repeating a classic mistake that both Enel and Big Mom have made against Luffy in One Piece, which is forgetting that lightning does not work on rubber ...
Thus, Loki’s hammer could hint at him possessing thunder or lightning powers, setting the stage for the Elbaf Arc to recreate the hilarious battle between Enel vs. Luffy on Skypiea. One Piece ...
Reintroducing Enel here would create a perfect narrative ... and true power would create rich storytelling possibilities. As One Piece approaches its climactic phases, Oda continues to expertly ...
Sanji's compassion sets him apart from his crewmates in One Piece, making his best moments when protecting the whole crew. Sanji's confrontation with Enel in Skypiea Arc showcases his selfless ...