That’s $800 for the 10 kilograms of ivory carried by a typical elephant. That’s a lot of money in most African ... anything from bracelets to fancy carvings. And those expensive items certainly would ...
The difficulty of hunting an elephant in older times — accompanied by the fact that elephants are found in a relatively limited geographic density — meant that items made of ivory were ...
China's 130 licensed outlets have steadily reduced the amount of ivory items on display and are cutting prices to boost sales, Vigne said. Other vendors had replaced elephant ivory displays with ...
EBay announced a ban on cross-border trade in elephant ivory in 2007 ... In the 2008 report about eBay, IFAW said that the total ivory items tracked was 3,667; the dollar value of recorded ...
In 2016 the Obama administration implemented a near ban on the domestic trade in elephant ivory. Although that regulation provided some exceptions, it virtually closed the U.S. ivory market as part of ...
NEW YORK— A federal court in New York on Friday upheld the state’s ban on sales and in-store displays of elephant and mammoth ivory and rhino horn — rejecting claims that the ban was unconstitutional.