A smart label contains the RFID tag as well as printed barcodes and alphanumeric characters. The printed material can provide redundant UPC and EPC data that can be picked up by a barcode scanner ...
Gen 2 is the shorthand name given to EPCglobal’s second-generation EPC air-interface protocol (the laungage tags and readers use to communicate). It was designed to work internationally and has other ...
180SMIC_G2PHY_01 provides a fast and flexible anti-collision protocol based on internal random number generator according to EPC standard. The IP supports all EPC C1G2 V2 mandatory commands.
130GF_G2PHY_01 provides a fast and flexible anti-collision protocol based on internal random number generator according to EPC standard. 130GF_G2PHY_01 supports all EPC C1G2 mandatory commands.