The government’s Plan for Change strategy means landlords have until 2030 to ensure their rental properties achieve an EPC rating of C, causing some to doubt their future in the sector. The Labour gov ...
Refurbishment is expected to grow in popularity as the primary reason for bridging loans, a lender has suggested.
You'd expect building heights or parking or density to trip up an apartment proposal on KC's Country Club Plaza. But dogs' ...
New analysis suggests landlords of student properties will have to pay the most to upgrade and meet the EPC deadlines.
“The good news is that there are a raft of smaller, more cost-effective changes that can be made to a property which are likely to boost an EPC rating, such as installing PV panels over internal ...
The annual subsidy cost is manageable for the government ... “Now it is up to the industry, especially EPC companies to upgrade their quality of services and installation methodologies ...
GaN specialist Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) has introduced the EPC2367, a next-generation 100 V eGaN FET for power ...