A friend of mine had their domain expire. Best I can tell it's being squatted. Whois shows godaddy as the registrar and the name servers are parklogic. I can't get to the site to see what's ...
SGZ.com was registered back in 2000 and was left to expire, the 3L.com closed at $18,250 at GoDaddy auctions. The domain name is registered at Name.com not GoDaddy so the registrant might still be ...
Fast forward to 2025 and the domain name has expired. It’s at auction at Namecheap. Current bid $290,000. Namecheap is the rare platform that allows comments under their auctions and some of the ...
Registrar makes changes to how expired domain auctions work. Namecheap announced today that it’s making changes to expired domain name auctions. First, the company is standardizing auction end times ...