DINGO attacks on sheep in north-west Victoria are increasing as camera monitoring shows rising incursions into farm property ...
The Victorian government has given farmers the green light to continue killing dingoes and wild dogs on their properties in the state's east. The government announced on Tuesday the dingo ...
Animals Australia is making a legal bid to end wild dog control in Eastern Victoria, lodging a writ with the Supreme Court to overturn the Allan Government’s “unprotection” order.
Then we set up remote motion-sensing cameras at our sites in the semi-arid Wyperfeld National Park in northwestern Victoria and recorded what happened for 70 days. What did we find? Foxes and dingoes ...
New genetic research shows dingoes are not breeding with domestic dogs in the wild. But that could change if lethal control measures continue to decimate populations in Victoria. Studying carnivor ...
Then we set up remote motion-sensing cameras at our sites in the semi-arid Wyperfeld National Park in northwestern Victoria and recorded ... Foxes and dingoes accounted for just 12% of the baits ...