Destiny 2 is moving toward a new content system in Frontiers, but should the lack of information cause doubt that it will be ...
Destiny 2’s endgame Trials of Osiris PvP activity continues to suffer from single weapon dominating the meta despite heavy nerfs.
It's time for Bungie to consider a Destiny 2 x WWE collaboration. Seriously, it's the best way to revive the player base.
Destiny 2’s Eververse Team has promised that an upcoming update will finally bring back a fan-favorite Warlock cosmetic ...
The Destiny 2 Rushdown mode is brand new for Guardian Games 2025, and we've got information on the difficulty levels, loot, ...
Destiny 2's recent update accidentally included weapons that weren't meant to be released yet, but players can keep them.
But Destiny 2 still doesn’t tell you in-game what raids and dungeons are planned for future weeks. There are two featured raids per week, and they cycle in a staggered order. The newest raid ...
With the conversion came a name change: from Fiero to Destiny 2000. There is section of the DC Auto Show ... speed of 75 mph and a 0-60 time of 11.2 seconds. There was no one around to learn ...
What are all the active Destiny 2 codes? Emblems are essential to authentic Guardian flair. They offer an opportunity for expression among your fireteam, the random Guardians you encounter in the ...
Buildcrafting has become a crucial part of Destiny 2's identity, affecting gameplay and rewards. New perks like Elemental Honing can generate hype but may not be worth the trade-off in the current ...
Bungie has launched the latest chapter of content for Destiny 2: Heresy, as Act II: Court Of Blades is available to play right now. Among the new additions to the game comes new storyline content ...