A community group has handmade items to help people with dementia. Age Concern Hampshire received dementia-friendly props ...
Dr Wendy Suzuki, a professor at New York University, has spent her career researching numerous different attributes of ...
Dementia is a broad clinical term for memory ... offer a way to present small amounts of bite-sized food choices that can be eaten by hand. When you need to get the most out of a meal and don ...
Dementia, of which Alzheimer's is the most common ... that works the full body at least twice a week. You can also buy hand-held grip strengthener devices, so you can build muscle while you ...
A new education and training tool is giving people a glimpse into the world of dementia and the symptoms patients experience. The Virtual Dementia Tour enables caregivers and healthcare providers ...
As Dr. Mallika Marshall reports, dementia and depression often go hand-in-hand in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Now, an experimental home-based electrical therapy may be able help.