Dr Mate explained that, with sperm whales, which dive to great depths, it was far more difficult to capture the behaviour. ”Our next step will be to image the squid at the same time as tracking ...
some can’t fight the urge to steal from the unattended store. The sperm whale has the biggest brain on the planet. It uses its intellect to hunt for deep-sea fish and squid in complex social groups.
The giant squid is a rare and elusive creature, once thought only to exist in stories of sea monsters called krakens ... washed up on beaches or found in the stomach contents of sperm whales. When the ...
who would win in a fight between a sperm whale and a giant squid? Watch Nautilus, Amazon Prime Video’s megabucks retelling of ...
which spans the range of 'clicks' that different species of deep-diving whales employ. For comparison, they also tested real (but dead) squid and pieces of squid beak that had been recovered from the ...
The squid was eating a hooked toothfish when it was hauled from the deep by the vessel San Aspiring ... of which were found in the stomachs of sperm whales. Colossal squid are not related ...